Arizona Mountain Biking
Trails Ridden by Me

December Fins

I spent the day after Christmas out on FINS. I almost wish I lived out West so I could ride it more often, it’s that good. Cold morning but we warmed up as we rode. I shot some downtube footage with my bro-in-law. Enjoy the action.

December FINS from MTBikeAZ on Vimeo.

Talked with Scottsdale Mountain Bikers Meet up group in the school lot at the end of our ride, they were just getting started. Great to meet all of you. Thanks to Darrel and Garvin for posting up your videos. Here they are.

F.I.N.S from Darrel McGuire on Vimeo.

The day after Christmas ride with a few friends and myself, out west of town. Great weather, and great company…Happy New Year!

FINS Ride Dec 26 09 from Garvin Sutton on Vimeo.

Scottsdale Mountain Bikers ride Fantasy Island North Singletrack. This isn’t the best quality video and the pictures are from the meet up posts so thank you Pat and David for the photography.

Just found one more vid shot out at FINS in Late December. Cool angle, bad quality, but still fun to watch.

4 thoughts on “December Fins

  • Shockway is about right. My thumb bore the grunt of arcing sparks last time. My seat rails sent a jolt to my inside leg once. It is okay if you ground yourself out, but you get numb fingers if you do. I saw some sections that need new trail ;-). If at the top of Star Pass look to the south. Some gnar could be cut there. Just a thought. Doing a figure 8 at fins yields around 15mi. I wish that someday the trail would expand.

  • Garvin

    Hey Mike I made it to your site…very cool. Yeah the video I made was done with a fairly low end sports camera mounted on my handle bars. The helmet mount that comes with it sucks. I borrowed it from a friend so I can kinda get a feel for what I want to purchase.

    This was a really fun trail…hope to see you out again and maybe you can join us next time.

  • I sure have seen that launch…haven’t taken it though. This guy did…

    I love the shockway into FINS. I usually pull a Bart Simpson and tap my brake levers just for the rush. Ow, ow, ow… Full fingered gloves on a cold morning and the electricity stayed above us.

  • brilog

    Kool beanz. Somewhere on star pass there is a gnarly mound. Don’t ever take a break there as it is a launch pad for some locals. I saw a few people jump it . Nowhere to land however. BTW did you get SHOCKED riding back to the cars? Keep your hands and butt away from METAL!!!!!!!

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