Arizona Mountain Biking
McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Major Tom Extended

This is the extended version of the Major Tom vids I posted earlier. Screen resolution didn’t translate from .mov to .wmv in editing…I’m a noob so I may learn how to get it right next time. Hopefully this is the first of many more vids with a soundtrack.

6 thoughts on “Major Tom Extended

  • Maadjurguer: I only saw the fork perspective in this one. I use the chest perspective a lot myself. If I had more cameras, the time, patience and desire I would shoot a ride with about four cameras rolling from different perspectives then edit it all together. Kurosawa used to use up to 100 cameras when shooting a battle seen. One big take and use the best footage. Splicing the different perspectives together makes it more interesting.

  • That will fix it. Like cranking the stereo in your car when it needs a new muffler.

  • The squeaking is the monkey on my back… His name is Rock Shox MC3R. He needs an overhaul. Next time I’ll lower the sound on the vid and up the music.

  • What’s that creaking sound….your pivot linkages? Keep the video work up…I really like the fork perspective as well as the chest perspective with handlebar’s and hands in view.

  • Dein Kindheit war vor vielen Jahren…Ich habe gedacht dass du das Lied viele Gerne haben wuerde. Vielleicht naechtes mal du kannst mir helfen mit das Video. Bis Frietag.

  • M. Evans

    Das errinert mich an meine Kindheit. Damals war ich Imstande so einen schroffen Pfaden hinab halb-verrückt zu schaffen. Doch zur Zeit, soll ich es kaum nicht anhand eines Dreiräders versuchen. Auf jeden fall, ich bedanke mich dir die Vorstellung. Es war berauschend und über geil!


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