Arizona Mountain Biking

3 thoughts on “Mining at the Break of Dawn

  • Brilog. Mine trail rules. Plain and simple. Hawes to the cul-de-sac is a sweet trail too. I only discovered it last year. Maybe I’ll see you on the trail soon…not this week though. Bootleg is calling me.

  • Love the high def videos. I watched several times in full screen mode. Maybe I can get some of my friends up there to join me again. Hawes Red Mountain trails are my favorite in town.

  • brilog

    Kool riding on mine trail. I can see the ruts are pretty bad. It must be a real challenge to navigate those cavities while dodging massive rocks. I was there the Sun that it rained so much. The trails were mini rivers and it was fun to splash through them. I discovered a real gem, riding up Hawes to the microwave or cul-de-sac. That trail adds alot to the short milage log we usually get. Nice videos Barqsman!!!!!!!!!!!

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