Mining at the Break of Dawn
Descending the Mine trail in the Hawes system. From the Twisted Sister TH up past the Mine, then all the way down to the wash. Seven minutes of bliss.Three more glorious minutes of singletrack…
Hawes Ridge Trail from MTBikeAZ on Vimeo.
One of the best sections in the Hawes system. Really fun to climb too, but a lot slower.
I’m running a brand new Maxxis Ignitor 2.1 on the front. Good first impressions.
Brilog. Mine trail rules. Plain and simple. Hawes to the cul-de-sac is a sweet trail too. I only discovered it last year. Maybe I’ll see you on the trail soon…not this week though. Bootleg is calling me.
Love the high def videos. I watched several times in full screen mode. Maybe I can get some of my friends up there to join me again. Hawes Red Mountain trails are my favorite in town.
Kool riding on mine trail. I can see the ruts are pretty bad. It must be a real challenge to navigate those cavities while dodging massive rocks. I was there the Sun that it rained so much. The trails were mini rivers and it was fun to splash through them. I discovered a real gem, riding up Hawes to the microwave or cul-de-sac. That trail adds alot to the short milage log we usually get. Nice videos Barqsman!!!!!!!!!!!