Arizona Mountain Biking
Trails Ridden by Me

Ranger to Kiwanis via Bees

Route: Over Los Lomitas, Up Ranger, Up National, Down National, Up West Bees Knees, Down East Bees Knees, Up Gila View, Down National, Down Kiwanis. Big ups, big downs. 12 miles. 2500 vertical up. Not a lot of pictures as I new I’d be pressed on light.

This would have been better as climbing shot, but it was too far for me to get turned around in time. A 30 second self-timer with 10 shots, just wasn’t enough. Had to try. Ranger with the road in view.

The one flat spot climbing ranger. Worth a shot since they are rare. Experimenting with self-shooting.

An easy switchback up Gila View trail. Scott Morris inspired motion shots on a switchback up Gila View. This is one of the “easier” ones. The first half of the climb is steep, but I managed to stay on the bike. The upper portion is so incredibly steep and tight, with multiple consecutive swithchbacks, clearly built for hikers, that it begs to be ridden (or at lead attempted) by crazy mountain bikers.

Sun setting over the Estrellas. I still have National to Kiwanis to descend (the chunky part) as well as all Kiwanis. It’s getting dark…

From Ranger to Kiwanis

Down Kiwanis at dusk was a unique experience. I was drained from all the climbing, but still trying to move fast to avoid complete darkness. It a beautiful trail at night. This is a very fun loop.

Ranger-Kiwanis at EveryTrail