Arizona Mountain Biking

Lost Goldmine Sunset

From Lost Goldmine Early Spring

After 331 hours off the bike – give or take a few minutes due to a much needed extended vacation with my wife, I finally got back out to the trail yesterday late afternoon for a sunset ride through Lost Goldmine. It’s a 40 minute drive for me to get there, 15 minutes further than all my regulars, so I don’t get there often. When I finally hit the trail, I said to myself, “dude, you need to ride here every week!”

Lost Goldmine is truly a hidden treasure of a trail. This time of year the flowers are just starting to creep out. Over the next few weeks there should be even more color popping all over the valley trails. There aren’t many stretches of fast singletrack the first 3 miles on LG proper, and even less the next three out to Peralta, but that’s what I love most about this trail — the slower pace lets me soak in the surrounding views. I find myself stopping to take pictures on this trail more than I do any other trail in the valley.

The faster fun began on the way back when I dropped into the lower horse trail off LG proper. This trail is a mere horse trail that has been given some love by the local riders. In some places the singletrack was only 4 inches wide! Not many get out there to ride, it’s a shame.

The sun set and the light began to fade fast as I meandered through the final mile of primitive singletrack. Cactus spines embedded in my right shin would have to wait until home before getting plucked. I was so enthralled with the sunset ahead of me that I missed the moonrise behind me. It wasn’t until I was driving away that I noticed the bright beacon low on the horizon. I felt slighted for not noticing it earlier.

4 thoughts on “Lost Goldmine Sunset

  • That section is Lost Goldmine West…yes very rocky, fun in its own right, but very different from Lost Goldmine East. With you and chollaball up for a group ride, I’d better get planning it.

  • Yes.. keep us posted… I’ve done the portion from the broadway Rd. trailhead to gold canyon and it was pretty rocky. Coming back down was bumpy but fun, ride out was tough. We had to turn around at that point as one of the group had rear drivetrain issues with his bike.

  • That’s a good idea. I’ll post up next time I plan to get out there, It will be sometime after spring fling.

  • you need to lead a group ride out here, you’re the only one I read of who rides it with any regularity.

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