BCT Little Pan Double Tech
I heard about the new tech loop on Little Pan from Dale on the mtbr forum. Whenever I hear about a new trail, I fixate on it until I can find a time to ride it… and Tuesday afternoon I made the hour long pilgrimage out to the Table Mesa traihead to explore new to me BCT!
The recent rains had firmed up the tech loop a bit. Descriptions from other riders say it is still a bit soft and needs riders! I put in my two loops worth, compacting it just a bit more. I first rode up to the north entrance and rode ccw. It was rough, rugged, and soft in many spots, but oh so much fun. There are just enough tech features to keep you on (or off) your bike. I did not clean them all. Some moves were pretty big risk, exposure, sharp rocks. It’ll be challenging for seasoned riders.
After one lap I wanted to test the flow clockwise from the southern entrance. I’m so glad I did because the trail felt much better this way. Either better flow or I was finally warmed up. Either way, I recommend this little loop on your next visit to Little Pan.
(Not many photos. Had too much fun riding! See the mtbr post by dale for sweet shots)
Thanks Larry. Your comment is the best comment! Thanks for reading. Come back to AZ soon.
Yours is the best blog… Period.
I wouldn’t have found what I found when I made my pilgrammages to AZ without your info…