Arizona Mountain Biking
Interbike 2009

Today is the greatest…

mail day ever known…

Interbike 2009

I look forward to today almost as much as I do actually going to Interbike. Today is the day the dream is real, the day the tickets are in my hand. Sure I have all year to think about Interbike, but starting today, I actually start preparing to go…

I’ve got three manufactures on my short list to ride. Everything else is icing.

Niner | Turner | Lenz

It’s all 29er this year. I might try to get saddle time on the Santa Cruz Tallboy. I know there are other worthy 29ers out there, but I just have to ride these first.

I also surly get my feet under a downhill rig and give the classic snakeback a run…

10 thoughts on “Today is the greatest…

  • I won’t be there until Monday morning… I’ll post some stuff on Twitter during the day and more pics later that night…

  • Lenz guy

    Sooooo, whatcha seeing there?

  • LEnz Guy

    I just saw a new 29er you might like – Canfield “Nimble 9er” – looks VERY promising. Wonder if it will be at the demo.

    Dang you. Im jealous.

  • It’s official, I heard back from Chris at niner and he confirmed they will not be at the Outdoor Demo. He explained that they used the money to do a few other things such as hiring a new sales manager and beefing up consumer driven marketing.

    They will still be on the showroom floor displaying the goods, so we can see, feel, and lust, but just not ride. I’ll be looking for a local demo from an AZ dealer soon.

  • I’ve got an email in to Chris Sugai at niner. As soon as he responds, I’ll post the verdict.

    It doesn’t look good though, since niner only appears on the floor plan at the Sands (booth 5007 IB), and not on the Outdoor Demo floorplan.

  • What?!? This will be my first year attending Interbike and as a major Niner fanboy I can’t imagine them not being at demo days. Any more details on this?

  • niner not at the Dirt Demo? It simply cannot be. I must look into this…

  • Heard from a buddy that Niner bikes is not going to be on the first two “demo” days at Interbike. Bummer

  • Yeah, I heard about the Tracer. Love Intense, so I’ll add that one to the list. I’m looking forward to seeing how the niner WFO compares to the Lunchbox. I’ll be posting comments for sure. Hopefully more detailed reviews. Depends on how much time I get on each bike.

    Haven’t seen you out on Hawes…I need to get out more.

  • Lenz guy

    You’ve gotta ride the new intense Tracer 29er and the Tall Boy. PLEASE post some comments on these bikes.

    That new Lunchbox with the tapered headtube looks pretty stout too.

    I’m MORE than happy w my Behemoth. Not looking to dump it ever. But I’m sooo curious how the VPP rides.

    I’m jealous. I need to start a blog!

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