Arizona Mountain Biking
San Tan Parksinglespeed

For Immediate Release — Tour de San Tans

Photo courtesy

Queen Creek, Arizona (April 2, 2009) — Thursday evening a small but solid group of riders showed for inaugural Tour de San Tans group ride. Leading the ride was esteemed MTB filmographer and SS Transition TransAM rider, Ruppguts.

His latest work “Evening Ride San Tan Mountains” has garnered critical acclaim on the MTBR Arizona Forum. Forum members raved including famed singlespeed rider Noelg, who said of the self-shot video, “Dude that is fantastic! Makes me want to toss the SS on the rack and go ride out there!”

Kaboose added, “gr8 solo video!” and Motorcyclemike jumped in with “that looks sick.” Other forum members could not believe their eyes. Local rider, Santan, was skeptical, “I can’t believe there are trails worth riding out there. Is that video even from the San Tans?”

With all the buzz surrounding ruppguts’ latest work, the evening group ride was scheduled and a crew of four set out to experience the beauty of the San Tans. “The ride went off with out a hitch,” said TheBarqsMan with a smile. Referring to the fact that they saw no horse trailers.

“I’ll definitely be back,” commented Maadjurguer while standing over his Gary Fisher Hi-Fi. “This is a perfect place to bring my wife” he added. Speshy rider, Dsittman, said he hadn’t ridden the San Tans is along time and wasn’t planning on coming back… until he saw that video. He is now a county parks annual pass holder.

It looks as if the San Tans have gained favor in the eyes of a few East Valley riders. How long will the buzz last? According to TheBarqsMan, “At least until May, then we’ll all head to the Mogollon Rim to ride the Highline.” For more information about the San Tan Mountain Regional Park or surrounding trails, visit Get out and ride!

2 thoughts on “For Immediate Release — Tour de San Tans

  • How does one join up on rides?

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