Arizona Mountain Biking

2 thoughts on “Winter

  • Hey Mike- First, thanks for the insanely comprehensive trail info. I picked your brain a little about 4 years ago, while visiting my vacationing mother in Scottsdale. Looks like I’m going to get another chance to ride the amazing trails of AZ. I’ll be there next week. Last time I was there, with your advice I rode in the Mcdowell Mt Park, South Mt Park, Pima and the Black Canyon Trail. It was my first visit to the desert and I was blown away. I’m wondering if you might provide a little help again. Anything new and worthwhile in the area? I’ve been riding forever and am reasonably fit and technically sound. I live and ride in BC Canada. I used to ride a lot of freeride on dh bikes (so technical difficulty is generally of no concern). These days I love the all mountain bikes and trails. I find myself seeking out fast, buff trails with good flow. That said, I still enjoy the occasional technical section too. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I see that Sedona is about a 2hr drive. I’ve heard good things and am considering maybe blasting up there for a day. If I did, is there a particular “don’t miss” trail there? And again, more local favourites?
    Thanks in advance Mike. Great Blog!

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