Arizona Mountain Biking

Morning Hills at Hawes

This morning’s ride out at Hawes was great. With my buddy riding the Trek, I got a chance to dust off the singlespeed. As I grunted up Mudflaps I was going slow enough to be thoroughly impressed by the fine trail work completed by the volunteer crew last week. I was careful not to carve the trail up which made for a nice challenge, stepping up over the waterbars.

Today I learned what happens if you take a roadie into the mountains…He will perform a spectacular endo for you. First, after his rear real bounced off a rock on a steep descent, he rode a full front wheelie for at least 10 feet, then just as the wheel touched back down to safety he was instantly assaulted by a another strategically placed rock which Supermanned him into a full front flip over the bars. I give him a 10 for not sticking any kind of graceful landing.

With a bloodied thumb he remounted and finished the ride hard. Sadly no action photos, but I will merrily relive the footage stored inside my head forever. Thanks for the show!