Arizona Mountain Biking

Carr Lake Loops

From Carr Lake System

Hit the Rim for the weekend and got out for a little spin out at Carr Lake. I rode the outer loop a couple of weeks ago and had a blast on new to me trail. This weekend I hit the inner loops and gotta say that they are awesome. The Carr Lake system is the Hawes of the Mogollon Rim. Well it could be like Hawes, except it is under ridden, under rated, and still under the radar.

The singletrack is primitive, but the Forest crews have already cleaned it up this year, cut the deadfall and now all it needs are tires. The more riders that give this system love the better.

Here’s a sample of the fast terrain.

Carr Lake System at EveryTrail

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I recommend all the trails I rode except the southernmost east to west portion of the Aspen Loop. (The trail at the bottom of the map from the rim headed towards the trailhead.) It was almost non existent. So hard to follow, no singletrack, I went off course for a while and had to b-line it to where I though the trail might be. I had no GPS track to follow, only the Forest service map. So do not trust that section of GPS… I’ll be making a better map of all the trails soon.

One thought on “Carr Lake Loops

  • Hawes of the rim huh? That’s a bold statement….I need to pull my head out of coconino county and head back to the rim for a few rides this summer….

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